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Getting ready for your installation


What to expect during your appointment


Although we’ll do all the heavy lifting, you can do a few things to make installation go even faster. Here’s what you can do before we arrive.


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What you can do to prepare

  • Register for the Fidium Insider Portal. Your portal account needs to be active so we can show you around our customer support tools once we finish setting up your services.
  • Write down your current WiFi network name (SSID) and password. We suggest reusing them for your new network, so all your WiFi devices will reconnect seamlessly.
  • Make sure we can get to the areas where we’ll be working. This includes where the cable enters the building, which is typically in the basement or near the electric panel. We also need a clear path to where you want to plug in your WiFi gateway; it requires electricity and should be centrally located in your space.
  • Plan for someone age 18 or older to be home for the appointment.
  • Have your mobile device handy so you can download the Fidium Attune™ or Fidium Attune@Work™ WiFi app while your Fidium Network Expert is there.
  • If you prefer to use your own WiFi equipment instead of our provided gateway and extenders, you’ll need to have a primary wired router available during installation to ensure compatibility with our network. We will need to test the outside connection to the Optical Node Terminal (ONT) we install outside your home and validate active internet connectivity at install.

You may see us prior to your appointment

  • Before your installation day, you may see Fidium vehicles or personnel outside your location. You don’t normally need to be present while we’re doing outdoor prep work, but if we need anything we will contact you.
  • If you have a locked gate, a dog, or anything else you think may cause an issue, please let us know.

When your technician arrives

  • A Fidium Network Expert will arrive at your location within the two-hour window we provided when you scheduled your installation. If we’re running late, we’ll call.

How long it takes

  • Allow 1.5 to 3 hours for the installation. It may take longer, depending on factors such as the number of devices that need to be connected and the distance we need to run our fiber line from the street.


  • You can call 1.844.4.FIDIUM (1.844.434.3486) or chat with us online any time to reschedule.
  • You’ll need your order number, account number and customer PIN to reschedule.

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