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If you can’t find your address, give us a call at 1.888.495.2652.

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Can't find your address? Give us a call at 1.844.4.FIDIUM (1.844.434.3486)

How can we help?

Getting started

Getting ready for your installation

The lowdown on your appointment and tips on how to help us make it go even more smoothly.

Your first day as a Fidium customer

Everything you need to know for your first day as a Fidium customer.

Your first bill

We’ll take you through the key information on your first bill so you know exactly what you’re being charged for.

Your Fidium Insider Portal

Learn about your Insider Portal’s setup, features and functions.

Reschedule appointment or modify service

Need to reschedule your appointment or modify your service? No problem, we'll help you with that.

Using our WiFi equipment

We want you to feel comfortable using both our service and our equipment.

Optimizing your WiFi connection

How to make sure you get the most from your Fidium WiFi service.

Using your Fidium Attune™ WiFi app

The Attune™ app is your one-stop shop for managing your home WiFi network.

Using the Attune@Work™ WiFi app

Explore some of the key features to manage your business WiFi.

Get answers to questions about fiber internet, Gig speeds, VoIP phone service and more.
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