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Taxes and fees

There are no hidden fees


We don’t believe in gimmicks or tricks. Here, you’ll find all the taxes, fees and surcharges you might see on your bill.

What we mean by no hidden fees


When you’re considering Fidium, we show you what your service will cost at the time you become a new customer. We also show you the amount you will be charged after your one-year internet rate lock expires.

Taxes and surcharges


These depend on the services you order and the state and municipality in which you have service.

Although Fidium doesn’t charge additional fees on our services, we do have to collect required taxes and regulatory fees. These fees are not controlled by Fidium and are subject to change, so unfortunately, we don’t know the total amount of these charges in advance.

View the complete list of applicable taxes and surcharges by state.

Reconnection and convenience fees


Reconnection fees may be charged if your service was temporarily disconnected for nonpayment and then had to be reactivated once the bill amount due was paid in full.

A convenience fee applies to all payments made by phone.

Charges for returned payments


If your payment is returned for non-sufficient funds, Fidium will resubmit it electronically. A charge may apply for each payment returned.

Penalties for late payment


If your statement is not paid by its due date, you may be assessed a late charge. Continued nonpayment may result in your service being disconnected.

Insider tip: Signing up for AutoPay will ensure you don’t miss a payment. Just make sure you enroll to pay the “Bill Amount Due.” Step-by-step instructions on setting up AutoPay.

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