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How can we help?


Manage voicemail

Easily access and manage your Fidium voicemail from anywhere.

Calling features

Your VoIP phone service includes robust calling features to help make your life easier.

Call blocking

Are you tired of receiving telemarketing calls at home? You can block specific phone numbers, private numbers or unavailable numbers calling you.

Fix phone audio or no dial tone issues

If you have Fidium VoIP phone service and are experiencing issues, read further for troubleshooting tips.

Reset voicemail password

If you need to change your voicemail password, click here for further assistance.

Long distance calling

Fidium VoIP telephone service has hassle-free local and long distance calling.

Battery backup for Fidium VoIP phone line

Using your VoIP telephone service for 911 and other calls during a power outage.

Changing the number of rings before answering

Get step-by-step instructions on changing the number of rings before answering

Get answers to questions about fiber internet, Gig speeds, VoIP phone service and more.