Dynamic vs. static IP addresses
Find out which one is right for your business
When you sign up for Fidium@Work, your plan will include a dynamic IP address, but you have an option to choose a static IP if you want. So, what is the difference and how do you choose?
What is an IP address?
To understand the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses, we first need to understand what an IP address is. IP stands for Internet Protocol.
An IP address is a location on the internet. It is a numeric representation of the location of a computer or device. The concept is very similar to your home address. It defines the location where you live and is unique. An IP address defines your location on the Internet and is also unique.
So, when you set up your internet gateway, your service provider will assign you an IP address.
What is a dynamic IP?
A dynamic IP changes every so often. You will want a dynamic IP address if you want to let the network automatically assign an IP address for easy and instant device configuration and more flexibility when adding new devices to the network.
The concept is very similar to your home address. It defines the location where you live and is unique. An IP address defines your location on the Internet and is also unique.
What is a static IP?
A static IP stays the same. The numbers never change. Static IP is available for the Fidium-provided gateway. This Static IP is a WAN side IP that cannot be referenced by anything behind the gateway such as a firewall or server. Network devices such as POS systems, security cameras and mobile card readers can operate behind this WAN side Static IP without having anything assigned specifically to them. Find your Static IP in the Attune@Work™ app after install. Note: If you need a LAN side referenceable Static IP, please contact us for other Internet products that fit your business needs.
If you choose a static IP, we will provide one at an additional monthly charge. If you need more than one, please contact customer service.