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Restoring service after disconnection for nonpayment

Learn how to restore your service with Fidium

If your service has been temporarily disconnected due to a late or missing payment, Fidium can help you get back online fast.

How to come back to Fidium

Fidium is committed to supporting our customers. If you are having trouble paying your bill, we will work with you to set up a payment plan and restore your services. To start this process, call us at 1.844.PAY.FIDIUM (1.844.729.3434).

While your service is temporarily disconnected for nonpayment, monthly charges will continue to accrue. If you need to cancel your service to stop these charges, contact Fidium at 1.844.4.FIDIUM (1.844.434.3486).

Please note that continued nonpayment will result in permanent disconnection of your service. Additionally, a reconnect fee may be charged if your service was temporarily disconnected for nonpayment and then was reactivated after your total bill amount was paid.

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