Charleston, Mattoon, and Oakland to celebrate Gig Town status on Nov. 7
At the Coles County Community Update Breakfast, three towns will be recognized for widespread access to fiber internet
While local officials, business leaders and business community members gather for the Coles County Community Update Breakfast, they’ll also recognize Charleston, Mattoon, and Oakland as Gig Towns!
Gig Towns are communities with broad access to multi-gigabit fiber internet for residents and businesses and is awarded to towns by Consolidated Communications. Gig Towns can now benefit from the myriad economic, educational, employment and entertainment benefits that accompany better internet access. Consolidated recently completed construction of an all-fiber network that brings their Fidium Fiber service to 8,300 homes and businesses in Mattoon, 7,600 in Charleston and 650 in Oakland.
During the breakfast, Rick Hall, Mayor of Mattoon and Brett Bennet, senior director of Consumer Product for Consolidated Communications, will share remarks about the expanded fiber network and new opportunities it brings. Each town will receive a certificate noting its new recognition as a Gig Town and will cut a special Gig Town ribbon. Photo opportunities will be available throughout the event, with individual media interviews available immediately following the event.
Date: Nov. 7, 2023
Time: 7 a.m.
Location: Unique Suites, 920 W. Lincoln Ave, Charleston, Ill.