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Federal Lifeline Program

Fidium offers a Lifeline Program for eligible low income residential subscribers at their primary residence. The Lifeline Program is a government benefit program.

Qualifying services and eligibility

Eligible subscribers can apply a monthly federal Lifeline Program discount to a voice service OR a qualifying Internet service. If applicable, there is a Federal Tribal Lifeline Program which provides additional discounts on local voice service. In some states, an additional monthly voice discount is also available.

Eligible subscribers who apply the Federal Lifeline Program discount to their voice service may also qualify for free toll blocking to help control long distance usage. Only one Lifeline Program discount is available per household on either a wireless or wireline qualifying service.

Under the Lifeline Program, a household is defined as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. The Lifeline Program benefit is non-transferable. Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain the discount can be punished by fine or imprisonment or can be barred from the Lifeline Program. Visit Universal Service Administrative Co. at for more information on the Federal Lifeline Program.

How do I qualify?

To receive the Lifeline Program discount, residential customers must establish the eligibility of their household. Eligibility requirements are explained in detail on the Lifeline Program application and at

How do I apply?

If you meet the eligibility requirements, complete and sign the application form located at, attach proof of eligibility and mail directly to USAC. Alternatively, you can electronically apply with USAC at

After your application has been approved, call Fidium at 1.844.4.FIDIUM (1.844.434.3486) to add the Lifeline Program discount to your Fidium account.

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