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Portland celebrates growing internet access

Portland celebrates growing internet access 79

Portland civic and business officials gathering to celebrate the city’s recognition as a Gig Town

Portland civic and business officials are gathering Wednesday, Aug. 14, to celebrate the city’s recognition as a Gig Town, a designation that it has access to multi-gig speed fiber broadband.

The event, co-sponsored by the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce and Fidium Fiber, Consolidated Communications’ residential fiber service, kicks off at 4:30 p.m. at the Public Works event space at 42 Alder St., with a ribbon cutting. It will be followed by a happy hour with light refreshments and remarks by Tommy Johnson, vice president of member engagement for Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce and Sarah Davis, vice president of market development for Consolidated Communications.

In a press release announcing the event, organizers said 50,000 Portland area homes and businesses now have access to multi-gig internet speeds from Fidium Fiber.
