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Data Privacy Tips for Keeping your Information Protected

Data Privacy Tips for Keeping your Information Protected 263

Taking these proactive steps can make all the difference

You’ve gotten connected to your blazing fast internet, and for the first time, access to the digital world is at your fingertips. With the newfound connection, however – paraphrasing the famous Spider-Man quote – with great internet access comes great responsibility, specifically to protect your personal data.

Whether you are a seasoned internet user or a digital newbie, being proactive and planning is an important step you can take, and one that can make all the difference. Researching ways to fortify your personal information can help you and your family be protected against potential threats. This is especially true for senior citizens and children, as they are often the targets of bad actors.

So, rather than having to follow in the footsteps of Thelma Post, here are some tips and resources to get you started to ensure you stay safe online.

  1. Create unique passwords: Every system you log into should have a unique, strong password. That means at least 12 characters long, and using letters, numbers and symbols.
  2. Use multifactor authentication (MFA): MFA includes biometrics like face scans or fingerprint access, security keys or apps that send you a unique, one-time code to access your accounts. This makes it so much harder for someone to access your accounts.
  3. Don’t share too much: Social media is great to stay connected to friends and family, but it can also be a security risk when you share too much. Consider posting vacation photos after you get back from your next trip.

Seniors: Scammers often target seniors, and the best line of defense is identifying risks and keeping updated on your own online safety practices Just remember… if you think it’s a scam it probably is. More here >

Parents: Preparing your child for potential threats means talking with them about what they might see when posting, searching or any other online activity. When starting that conversation, here are a few tips for what to go over with your child to help make sure they stay safe online. More here >

More Resources

Fidium is proud to join the National Cybersecurity Alliance as a Data Privacy Week Champion. For more information, include additional data privacy resources, visit


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