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Crafting a Strong WiFi Password

Crafting a Strong WiFi Password 872

Crafting a Strong WiFi Password: Essential for Security on Fiber Networks

WiFi has become a feature of our homes and workplaces that's nearly as important as electricity itself. However, if your WiFi password is weak—or, worse, non-existent—others can log into your network and access your data.

The best way to avoid people unknowingly accessing your fiber internet is by creating a strong WiFi password. These WiFi password creation tips can help you improve your cybersecurity and keep your fiber network safe.

The Basics of WiFi Password Security

By nature, accessing the internet comes with exposing your devices to threats that can compromise your personal data or expose your connection to malicious activities from outside sources. Having a weak password or an unsecured WiFi connection is an open invitation to cyber threats.

Being aware of cyber issues is crucial, and one of the strongest tools in your toolkit is your WiFi password. Creating a strong WiFi password and frequently changing it can greatly improve your cybersecurity by protecting you against unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Creating a Strong WiFi Password

A good WiFi password works like a barrier that protects you against cyber attacks on your network and devices within it. However, having a single strong password isn’t enough, because if that single password gets compromised, the person will have access to every device and account you own.

In order to have a secure WiFi password, not only does it need to be different from your other passwords, but it also has to be frequently changed. Regularly changing and updating all of your passwords will ensure your network's safety. A great rule of thumb is to update all passwords at least every 90 days.

Usually, a strong password contains:

  • Lowercase letters
  • Uppercase letters
  • Numbers
  • Symbols
  • At least eight characters

For instance, “IHave5Dogs!” can work as a great password because it has 11 characters, follows all the above rules, and is easy to remember.

What to Avoid in WiFi Passwords

There are a number of practices you should avoid when setting up a password. Making it too complex and hard to remember by using a mix of random letters, numbers, and symbols isn’t quite effective. Additionally, avoiding easily identifiable personal information, like birthday dates or names, can improve your security.

When creating a strong WiFi password, be mindful of who you share the password with to avoid any security breaches. A secure WiFi password also allows you better control over your network and who connects to it with each device.

Setting and Changing WiFi Passwords on Fiber Networks

There are two main ways to change your WiFi password: using an ISP app or directly accessing your modem settings through a web browser.

To access your ISP modem, you need to find your gateway IP and type it into your browser on a device connected to the modem. To find your gateway ISP:

  1. Open the command prompt on your computer.
  2. Type “ipconfig” and press Enter.
  3. Look for the "Default Gateway" line and check the number.

Usually, the number will end with low, single-digit numbers like After you type it into your browser, it’ll prompt you to login with credentials from the ISP or the modem's default login. The modem login information is usually on a sticker glued to the device.

Each ISP and modem have a different interface. However, they mostly have a "Security" or "Password" tab specifically designed for that.

Alternatively, you can use an app provided by the ISP. Fidium Fiber offers an excellent app with an intuitive interface called the Attune WiFi App. With it, you can manage your whole network by creating different profiles with different passwords for each person while keeping track of every connected device.

Securing Your Fiber Network

Sharing WiFi passwords with friends and family is a given nowadays, but it should be done with care. If the device they use to connect to your network gets compromised, other people will have access to the network and to your password. That’s why regularly changing your passwords is essential.

In addition, using an ISP that provides you with easy-to-use tools to secure and manage your network is important. So check Fidium Fiber availability in your area right now to improve your cybersecurity!
