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Fidium Hub

All-new fiber internet service, Fidium Fiber, now available in Wilton, Maine

All-new fiber internet service, Fidium Fiber, now available in Wilton, Maine 1149

Fidium Fiber now available to more than 3,000 homes and businesses in Wilton, Chesterville, Dixfield and Jay, bringing new access to Fidium’s multi-gig speed fiber network

WILTON, Maine — April 9, 2024 — Fidium Fiber is now available to more than 3,000 homes and businesses in Wilton, Chesterville, Dixfield and Jay, Maine. With the expansion of Fidium’s future-proof all-fiber fiber network complete, residents can now connect to symmetrical multi-gig internet speeds and all the benefits that come with access to high-speed fiber connection

“With expanded fiber access, the future is bright for these communities,” said Sarah Davis, vice president of market development for Consolidated Communications. “Fiber brings tremendous benefits and transforms how we connect to one another, increasing access to educational, economic, healthcare and entertainment opportunities and options. We are excited to build the future together with these communities, and to bring the benefits of Fidium Fiber to local residents and businesses.”   

Today, more than 250,000 Maine homes and businesses have access to Fidium Fiber, an increase of 45% in the last year. This includes expansion to the Farmington-area and Skowhegan-area in 2023, which brought Fidium Fiber to communities such as Farmington, Industry, New Sharon, New Vineyard, Starks, Strong, Temple, Skowhegan, Madison, Anson, Canaan and Cornville.  

Fidium is also coming soon to the Livermore Falls-area. Residents and businesses may register to learn more and get updates about future service availability at

Fidium Fiber delivers multi-gig-speed internet without contracts, installation fees or data caps. All Fidium plans offer reliable, symmetrical speeds from 100 Mbps to 2 Gigs (2000 Mbps). Fidium Fiber also offers VoIP phone service plans, and features speeds that allow customers to seamlessly stream their preferred TV and entertainment

For small businesses and entrepreneurs, Fidium@Work delivers the same reliability and flexibility with multi-gig speeds and additional robust business features to help businesses stay connected.  

Fidium representatives will be visiting the community soon, taking part in local events and sharing more information about service options and availability. To learn more and sign up for Fidium today, visit Follow Fidium at and

About Fidium Fiber  
Fidium Fiber is a customer-centered, consumer fiber broadband service offering symmetrical multi-gig speeds and exceptional service. Fidium is available in California, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas and Vermont with new locations available daily. Fidium is a brand from Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CNSL). Consolidated is a leading broadband and business communications provider serving consumers, businesses, and wireless and wireline carriers across a 20-plus state service area. Learn more at 

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