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Fidium Hub

Lamoille FiberNet Gig Town

You're invited to join in as we introduce our new Gig-speed all-fiber network to benefit the residents and businesses in Lamoille County, including a ribbon cutting and the presentation to Lamoille FiberNet as a certified Gig Community!


Otter Creek Communications Union District Gig Town

You're invited to join in as we introduce our new Gig-speed all-fiber network to benefit the residents and businesses in Rutland County, including a ribbon cutting and the presentation to Otter Creek Communications Union District as a certified Gig Community!


Broadband update: What to know about the status of fiber internet rollout in Colchester

Fidium Fiber is expanding its fiber internet offerings in Colchester. The expansion follows last year’s project and coincides with a large rollout in nearby Milton.  Fidium’s latest construction project in the area began mid-September and will bring multi-gig service to over 5,700 homes and businesses across Milton, Colchester and Georgia upon completion. 

